28 May 2016

Quite soon a Trip of one Week: Design, Architecture, Arts and Music in Switzerland

In the past 5 years or even more in my free time I have make efforts to get to know Design and Architecture. In different parts of the world. It is an interesting issue, as you may know that Finland is quite known in these fields too.

When you check this link, you will fall in love with Finnish design too. Or check this link to get to know the Finnish architecture.

...yes but I will travel to Switzerland and in Switzerland by train too, my Swiss Pass which makes the trip a little bit cheaper...

Well, I thought I will visit Switzerland already in the very beginning of June and take a look at Swiss architecture and design, as well as some specific art works. Like Le Corbusier in La-Chaux-en-Fonds, HR Giger en Gruyères, Vitra en Basel, Museum für Gestaltung and Dada in Zürich. an may be some Rhaeto-Romance issues, if I decide to visit Chur.

If you want to know more, follow my blog in a week or so...