21 Nov 2016

In Berlin you can go to East in many ways...

 ...Yes, and we began this time in seeing Berlin from below...Amazing.


The Society for the Exploration and Documentation of Subterranean Architecture (Berliner Underwelten e.V.) has organized guided tours of different kinds to the underground structures of the city. And we went under the former Berlin Wall, to one of the escape tunnels from East- to West-Berlin.

There are lots of memorials in Berlin as in Berlin as many things have happen here during the history. Among them many memorials from the time of West- And East-Berlin. Well, during the past 30 years I have visited them all....

I remember when I for the first time visited East-Berlin. It was the year 1984 and us making an Interrail, one of the 6 Interrails I have made during my life. Yes, we crossed the border at Friedrichsstrasse S-Bahn, the memorial place now called "Tränenpalast"or the "Palace of Tears".

And the year 1995 I was once again in "Tränenpalast" during my 1,5 years stay in Berlin. But this time it was not a border crossing, not any more but a concert of in east popular rock band "Silly" in "Tränenpalast". A very memorable concert for me! 

And couple of days ago and now being the year 2016 I visited "Tränenpalast", of course and it now having an exhibition telling of border-crossings and destinies of border-crosses.

But you maybe begin your Berlin-visits with Checkpoint Charlie, with DDR-Museum and with the Museum of Everyday Life in East-Berlin. To get an overview, I mean...

By the way, the Berlin Wall Museum originates from the year 1962 when the Berlin Wall was built. I visited this museum already in the times as East- and West-Berlin. When they still existed...

Well, when I return to home I will look for you some photos from the past...

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